Landon had a great day on Sunday at the Circus with his Mamaw and Bumpa. It was perfect timing because he just finished a week at school learning all about the circus! He was thrilled when he found out he was going!!! He came home with all kinds of goodies; a light up sword, a light up and noisy gun, a coloring book, and many many stories to tell!!!

Here he is riding a camel!!

Getting his coloring book signed by a clown :)

Best Buds!

At first it was just going to be my dad and him that went, and when Landon found out, he talked Mamaw into coming. He said "you have to come to Mamaw", so of course she agreed!!

He loves Cotton Candy, he thinks its magical because it disappears in your mouth

He loves clowns!

He also got to ride an elephant.
I heard him talking to Macee that night and telling her all about it. He said "next time you will come with us Sissy and you will see what I am talking about." I think he will remember this day for a long time to come.
How fun!!!