We had such a great trip over spring break. Marc was finishing up his rig in Tyler, Texas so we met him down there for a little vacation. Landon LOVES staying in hotels, so we new he would have fun no matter what we did!!

Here is Macee observing her new crib, she did so great the whole trip!!! She slept great and NEVER really cried the whole time we were there!!!!!

Landon and Daddy breaking in the hotel beds!!!

Landon was so excited to go see "daddy's work". The company man even let Marc take him up to the rig floor. If you look closely you can see him up there.

The next day, Landon was in the shower and I said "lets go time to get out", and he said "hold on, let me turn my rig off"..... He is already playing like he works at Marc's work!! So cute!!!

We had fun eating at different restaurants.

Macee loved swimming!! She let us put a life jacket on her and she loved the wave pool!! She also swam in the hotel pool twice and loved it!!!

Nice tatoos..... to bad I cant crop pics very well :/


Enjoying the water slides!! Landon loved every water slide!!

Not a very good family picture inside our hotel...

We ate dinner in Downtown Tyler one night and some a childrens dance group was performing outside to music, it was really neat!!

They had a great mall, and Landon has been wanting to get Alvin ever since Papa took him to see the movie. He was thrilled!!!

Macee had a great time doing whatever it was we were doing :)

Sonics in Tyler had awesome playgrounds!!! No fair!!!

Landon got to drive his very first Go- Kart all by himself!!! He did really good!!

Marc and I were just happy to be together!!

Macee and I watching the boys play golf.

Landon and Marc both got a "Hole in One" on this hole.

Landon had so much fun driving the Bumper Boats!!! He thought it was so funny to run right into complete strangers. Marc and I really noticed on this trip how he will talk to anyone like he knows them!!! He would just stike up a conversation with people in line all by himself.

Sweet baby enjoying the sunshine!

Marc and Landon on the "fast" Go- Karts that Landon wasn't tall enough to drive alone. According to Landon they got first place.........everytime..... Imagine that!
We had so much fun as a family on this trip! It's nice to know that Macee travels so well and it is always fun to watch Landon get so excited about everything!!!
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