Landon played summer baseball and then he played fall baseball for the Oklahoma Pirates. The kid lives for baseball!!!! It is his absolute favorite thing to do, play, watch, and talk about!!!! He is doing so good and it really started to look like actual baseball this past fall. I enjoy his games so much! Marc was able to help out alot this season and we all enjoyed spending our weekends at the ball fields. Landon and Marc were also thrilled that the Cardinals won the World Series this year, but that is a whole different blog post in itself!!!

Macee and Bryson have been friends since they were babies. There big brothers play every sport together, so they are always together! Bryson started to tell eveyone that Macee was his girlfriend a few months ago, and now Macee has started telling everyone that he is her boyfriend. :) They are sooo sweet!!!!

His favorite position to play is first base. He loves Albert Pujos and wanted to be #5 this year because he said Pujos is his hero. Not sure what he will be now that Pujos is no longer a Cardinal.... We will cross that bridge come spring baseball :)